It was a really amusing Halloween this year.

Halloween 2007 - Me

I got home, relaxed, goofed off, and then got dressed up. Finally, Steven came over. I knew he was going to dress up as a Geisha but it was still a shocker. PLUS, he brought along Jared (I wasn’t expecting to see him) and he was dressed as a woman. Yeah, you can imagine my reaction. I HAD to take a picture, of course. If Mart had dressed up like a female, it would have been all girls going out together, haha.

So we went around trick-or-treating. Time passed by quicker than we expected. Maybe I could pass for a younger kid, but Steven and Jared, no way. Regardless, people were still happy to see us, I think, because for every Halloween that passes by there are fewer people going out trick-or-treating. The numbers started dwindling ever since the anthrax ordeal and 9/11. I heard that some people didn’t even get any trick-or-treaters. That’s kind of sad, considering this is one of my favorite holidays. I just think it’s so sweet that there are these (usually) elderly couples kindly giving out candy.

Halloween 2007 - Jared & StevenWe walked all the way to Steven’s house. Steven couldn’t go with us because his mom didn’t approve (go figure), but Jared gave Mart and me a ride to Lindy’s house for her party. I was in the back seat of the truck and as I was about to get out, Mart slammed the door shut, leaving me trapped behind the chair. Smooth, Mart, smooth. lol. We stayed for about an hour or so, and then my brother picked me up.

All in all, it was a pretty nice Halloween. I got my laughing fix, my candy fix, and caught some of Lindy’s party.

Lucky me, most of my teachers didn’t give us homework that was due the next day. I really liked that they did that because in the past I remember some teachers giving lots of homework, telling us that we were too old for Halloween anyway (and ironically here I am 17 years old still trick-or-treating).