Well, I am finally done submitting (most of) my college applications. The Cal State University and University of California applications are due today. I submitted CSU yesterday, but the site was extremely slow and kept giving me “page unavailable.” I figured the UC site would be the same, so I woke up early and submitted it in the morning instead. At least I’m done with the UCs now. It’s kind of scary; I’ve been worrying about these for so long and now I’m just…done.

My school has these “late nights” where seniors are invited to the Higher Education Center to work on college apps. I’ve had my personal statement revised 4 times and I’m sick of looking at it. I wanted my Higher Ed Coordinator to review it one last time, but she had to leave to go to a meeting and I definitely didn’t want to work on it the day it was due (that’s stressful, plus the site gets really slow since everyone is submitting it at the last minute). So I gave it to Marcella (UCI student. Her internship is at our HEC). Which I shouldn’t have done because I was hoping she’d glance over it quickly and point out anything I should fix, but she talked about transferring one paragraph from the first essay to the second. And honestly, at that point I didn’t really care anymore. I’m sick of my essay now. There’s also the fact that she quickly read my essay in less than ten minutes before the HEC closed. Plus, I don’t even know if I should trust her edit. She told me to talk more about my family in the first essay, but my other revisers have been telling me that I should talk less about family and more about my goals. So whatever, I left it as it was. I don’t really feel bad about it because I’ve been writing and revising this essay for months.

I only applied to one CSU (Long Beach) because honestly, I don’t want to go to go to a CSU. Even if I do not get accepted to any UCs, I’m willing to go to community college to transfer. I mean, community college isn’t as horrible as a lot of people are making it seem. I mean, the first two years are general ed anyway. It would save a lot of money. The only reason I’m praying I get straight into a university is because I’ve worked so hard during these high school years, and it really does feel like a waste.

I applied to a LOT of UCs. Six. 😳 UCI, UCSB, UCD, UCSD, UCR, UCLA. I really want to get in! I mean, I applied to SIX. Ack. But at least this makes my chances of being accepted better 😛 I have better chances at some schools more than others…I’m really curious whether I’ll get accepted into the schools with lower acceptance rates though *coughUCLA* Probably not, but it was worth a try.

I didn’t qualify for any fee waivers, so I had to pay for everything…That means $360 for UCs and $55 more for CSU. Now I’m debating whether I want to apply to the two private schools I wanted (Chapman and Pomona) or not…I already spent so much money just for applications. But then again, this will be the only time I will apply. If I don’t apply to a private school now, I’m not planning to transfer to a private, so I won’t ever go to one. Ehh… I dunno. I have all of December to think about that at least.

I am seriously crossing my fingers and hoping I get many many acceptance letters rolling in! 😕 And if anything…I hope I get accepted to at least two schools…I want to at least have a choice, you know?

And it’s raining right now. Is this an ominous sign of what’s to come? haha, hope not.