I had a slumber party with Chubs last night. haha. He’s just been so good lately, so I let him keep me company in my room. Eventually, he fell asleep on my shoulder as I was trying to type my college admission essays. Oh, by the way, it is now possible for me to be doing homework (and procrastinating) in my room because I got a hand-me-down laptop from my cousin. As the night dragged on, I followed his lead and fell asleep too. Sure, Chubs got a little poopy, but that’s to be expected from a bird. Oh well. At least it was nice sleeping with a fuzzy little bird bird on my chest.
Bird talk aside, I’m still trying to write my essays. I’ve gone through sooo many drafts. Ugh. What’s very discouraging is the fact that the essay I sent for my UC application may have sucked. Majorly. See, I am trying to recycle the same essay for the Common App essay, but as I’m getting advice and critique from people (yay LJ communities) I’m having to make a LOT of changes. I barely realized that the essay was so…vague. I guess it was because there was the 500 word limit and because I didn’t want to go off on a tangent. But as a result, my essay was too vague. Sigh.
Well, at least with the common app I’m a little more free to add stuff, since there’s technically no maximum. But I do know admissions officers don’t want to read long novels. So I’m still at a dilemma, really.
As much as I love writing, I don’t think my essay is strong enough for me to mention that. Someone wisely pointed this out to me. The admissions officers will probably think I’m a joke if I say I love writing, but my essay doesn’t reflect that. That’s a little disappointing (not being able to write my essay well enough to show that I love writing and am a possibly good writer)…but what can you do, right? It’s pretty much my fault for waiting so long to think about my Common App essays. If I had more time, I might have been able to squeeze through.
I just hope when acceptance letters come around… I won’t be disappointed in myself for not being able to make myself seem like a really good candidate. I probably will be, but I’ll get over it…hopefully.
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