Getting ready for a bonfire tomorrow… I love how stores usually sell “s’more” items together. One time when I was buying s’more stuff I found the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows in totally different sections of the grocery store :???: Today, there were a few shelves with everything together :) The only marshmallows I could find were chocolate…weird…go figure. I doubt they even taste like chocolate. Plus, who wants chocolate marshmallows on chocolate? Well, now that I think about it…I do love chocolate… haha.

I’m freaking out about financial aid again…I’m really stupid. I checked my financial aid and I accepted the loans, but when I looked at my billing account, none of my financial aid seemed to show up. I’m pretty sure it’s related to the fact that I didn’t fill out the online promissory note…but now I have. If that’s not it, I’m at a complete loss. I don’t even want to think about calling the financial aid office…you can NEVER reach anyone (past experience…). I really hope I figure this out soon.