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2 (or 1) slice(s) of bread
1 cheese slice
1 jar of peanut butter

Toast the bread if you like, stick cheese on it, microwave it less than 15 seconds to melt the cheese, and smack on peanut butter.

I tried it because I saw some recipes online for grilled peanut butter and cheese sandwiches… I thought it was bizarre, but being bizarre myself, I wasn’t afraid to try it.

How it tastes: I thought it was okay. I’d rather eat a plain cheese sandwich or a pb&j sandwich. However, the pb&cheese doesn’t taste bad. The peanut butter is very overpowering so you can’t taste much of the cheese, but the cheese makes it taste a little saltier and less sticky so you don’t feel like you’re eating just peanut butter that’ll get stuck to the roof of your mouth. I’d say this is good for someone who likes just plain peanut butter ‘wiches but doesn’t like getting the peanut butter stuck in his/her mouth.