SAD FACE! Today is the last weekend of my winter break during college, since I will (hopefully, lol) graduate this year. The last two days I’ve been doing major cleaning of our whole house & laundry so I’m starting the quarter off clean. Today is the last day of break and I want to make the most of it! A quick overview of things I plan to do by today:
- Organize last quarter’s papers and put them away, leaving my binder almost empty and ready for this quarter. Started today and I’m almost done with this. Sometimes I do it during the break long before school starts again, but this time I didn’t want to look at the papers at all after finals, lol.
- Write down class schedule
- Plan out what hours I can do research (
speaking of which, must submit proposal again) - Continue reading for leisure before I have actual class text to read
- Clear out my email inbox. Currently, I have 82 unread emails, haha. I’ve been checking email, just too lazy to deal with spam and emails that mildly catch my interest are left unread so I can remember to read them later.
- HAVE FUN. My last bit of fun haha