Today I went to my first college basketball game, haha. It’s kind of sad that my first college basketball game is during my last year of college, but to be honest, I’ve never been much of a sports person. My real motivation was the pre-game carnival, which advertised free turkey legs for the first 100 students, along with free cotton candy, chips, peanuts, and other stuff if you win at the games they had. Yeah, it was the free stuff that motivated me to come – hey, it’s college! “Free” attracts all college students. :p There was a student body member saying, “Wow, I’ve never seen so many people before. Now how can we make them stay for the game?” LOL, how sad. I won’t say I wasn’t tempted a little do that and leave after eating, but I wanted to see a basketball game at least once before I graduate anyways.

There was also a balloon guy making balloon animals and stuff, but unfortunately the game was starting and he wouldn’t make any more. :/ I wanted either an octopus or a parrot. I saw an octopus balloon animal someone was holding and it was cool! haha. Oh well!

I guess I was one of the 100 because I got a turkey leg! Yay! I usually have really bad luck with stuff requiring you to be the “first __ # of students” in line because on more than one occasion I’ve been cut off right before it was my turn. No kidding. The turkey legs were huge! And at first I thought they were dry when I ate the outside, but when I started chomping on the meat inside, it was actually really juicy and soft! All it was missing was some BBQ sauce. Free food? Sounds good to me.

Oh right, the basketball game. It was actually really fun watching it and cheering every time our team made a shot. ^_^ We were down but more than 10 points, and there was only a minute left. We left at that time to beat the rush of people leaving, but I am pretty sure we lost. It was still fun watching though! The first half of the game was pretty good and it was a tie at that point.

Turkey Legs