My mom is on vacation in a state located across the country at the moment and she’s gone for a week. I’m living at home with my 30 year old brother and my dad. They do not know how to cook or clean. And even if they did, they wouldn’t do it. Yeah. I try to help out around here by cleaning so my mother won’t go insane, but honestly she always takes care of all the food. Yeah, in a way I’m spoiled because of that. Back at home, studying, doing some chores here & there, and relaxing (albeit the extreme STRESS I’m having is driving me insane!) is not so bad in the grand scheme of things.
Anyways, I’ve got enough groceries to last us almost a week, that is if my cooking turns out okay. Normally my mom would make a huge dish that can sustain us over a few days and then gives us cash for fast food, but this time the cooking is in my hands – not much fast food here this time. It’s great that I’m going to be experimenting with cooking, but not so great that I’m spending time cooking instead of…you know…studying. Aghh!
Used Trader Joe’s Masala Simmer Sauce with chicken and vegetables. I give the sauce a 3 or 4 out of 5 stars. Make for a great, simple meal…although it might be a little too simple for some. I had to cook it for extra long to reduce the excess liquid (tip: don’t add a cup like the directions say), added some sriracha chili sauce, yogurt (adds creaminess), salt, and pepper to kick up the flavor. It goes great with Trader Joe’s Naan bread. That stuff is great.
I’ve been going out for a run with my boyfriend a few times a week. It’s really nice because other than going out occasionally and the chores, I’ve been living a VERY sedentary life ever since I graduated college. So today, I basically cooked for half of the day, went running with the boyfriend, watched a few shows with him, and baked blueberry shortbread. Lol. Ohhh myyy goooodness. I promise I will get better. Maybe I just needed to get it out of my system so I can get into my studying groove? Bleck.
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