I’m reading “Born Confused” and it’s making me very frustrated. Not that it’s a bad thing. Confused? I’m not frustrated because I think the book sucks; I think it’s really interesting. It focuses on a girl. There’s this boy that her parents wanted to pair her up with. At first she didn’t like him, and …
Author : Kim
628 posts
Well, it’s Thanksgiving Day! Yummy (store bought) food once again. The food was from Honeybaked Bakery. Everything they make is fresh. All you have to do is heat up the food and pop the turkey in the oven. We had honey baked turkey and ham for meat. For side dishes we had stuffing, mashed potatoes, …
I downloaded the new AIM version… AIM Triton. Totally sucks in my opinion. I tried signing in with my screenname, but it didn’t work. The login information was correct because when I signed in to AOL webmail with it or whatever it worked perfectly. Also, when I tried to sign in with my other screen …
Today I just finished reading Ender’s Shadow and I thought it was a very interesting read. Spoiler Alert! Do not read the following unless you’ve already read Ender’s Shadow or if you never plan to read it: Ender’s Shadow is completely comprehensible even if you you’ve never read Ender’s Game (like me). While I was …
Jessica and Nick are over! Read More Here I never expected that to happen and after having their own show about their marriage. That’s sad. ————————————- There was this blog I liked and bookmarked. It looked like an interesting and well written blog by a smart blogger. I checked back to see any new posts. …